Thursday, December 31, 2009

merepek kerepek tepek

I'm supposed to be sleeping now, considering that it's already 3.4i am at this moment. My eyes are doomed to be closed but my heart was leaping of joy. Yeah I know the brain is the one which tells us what to do. But, my heart has won the war and is taking in charge of what I'm doing right now. Why? My heart has been cherished and smoothened with love that it is now the strongest amongst all organs.

It was the brain who succeeds to control me. But now heart has taken over. I dunno why.

Guess my heart is now contented enough. Happy enough. Calm enough.

For my heart was like tsunami, waves hitting up the rocks and shores of my feelings. No man could stop it. No one could deny the strong waves of my hatred. My strong winds of sadness.

But now, no more tsunamis to ruin my day. No more strong winds could turn my day sour.

Everything's quite okay right now. Friends and family. Lovers and best friends are all in favor to cheer me up. I love them and I will always be.

Actually the entry that I'm posting now is actually craps la. Bedtime lullaby, if you'd prefer it that way. Haha.

It's already the 31st. 2010 is already at the door, knocking away, wanting 2009 to leave the house so that he could move in. 2010, a new chapter of life.

A new paragraph of the essays of our life.
A new line in the paragraph of happiness and of sadness.
A new word in the sentence of fulfilling our hopes and dreams.
A new letter in the words of achievements.

Ape aku merepek ni? Tataw, aku geleng kepale tutup mate.

dah la tu, cukup-cukupla.

Cukup-cukupla berpoya-poya.
Cukup-cukupla bermain-main.
Cukup-cukupla bercanda.
Cukup-cukupla bergurau senda.

Cukup-cukupla hipokrit.
Cukup-cukupla mengutuk.
Cukup-cukupla mengata.
Cukup-cukupla mengkritik.

Cukup-cukupla gedik.
Cukup-cukupla poyo.
Cukup-cukupla sadis.
Habes-habeskanla amalan dosa.

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010. Semoga apa yang ingin anda kecapi, tapy tertinggal separuh jalan di 2009, diharap dapat menyambung kembali hasrat murni ( atau tak) itu. Maaf dipinta bukan hanya pada hari raya. Jangan jahil.

Adios Amigos 2009
Hello, 2010 :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

heeee gedik :P

27 12 2009

The decision I made
Spontaneous, and very very silly
I did no double check
No doubt, no questions
Not even hesitating to say no

It warms my heart to hear him

But, my mind is still sane
Questions flooded in
Soon after I said yes

I questioned my sanity
I questioned what my heart says

But HEART is always there to tell my mind
To let go
To enjoy what's love
To feel what is it like to love
And to be loved again
To cherish the sacred bond
Between two people

I gave in
I gave my heart along
My hopes
My dreams

Love never work one-way
What's given will be sent back to you
So, I pray
That the love I gave shall give light to my lover
And his love too
Shall be my light in the dark
My shinning star that I gaze upon
My rose amongst the thorn
My paradise...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

ade orang ngata ai

Orang kata aku terlalu lantang bersuara di blog ni. Yeke?

Ta caye? Meh gua kasi tengok. Click links yang akan meng-link-kan anda kepada previous postku.

Satisfied? So in case you think that I have the this-girl-must-be-very-the-sopan-one, forget about it. I can be sopan at times. But when things get messy, I'll turn into someone that you might never expected me to be.

And the thing is, I might be hypocrite in real life. But not in my blog. Sebab aku ni penakut. Face-to-face te berani nak maki. Jadi maki di blog pun cukup la kan? Untill I have the courage to do so, face-to-face. Heehee!

Aha, sape nak cari calon isteri, jangan la pilih tuan punye blog ni. Karang ta pasal-pasal kene. HAHAH~

Adios Amigos :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Kawan jangan sebarang kawan.
Kawan baik, kasi hidup senang.
Kawan buruk, kasi hidup susah.

Tapi parah bila.
Kawan makan kawan.
Kawan pijak kawan.
Kawan khianat kawan.

Tapi lagi parah bila.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

post gedik

Gua runsing. Serunsing laut yang bergelora.

Gua pening. Sepening burung yang kene lastik.

Gua bingung. Sebingung ayam yang ditogelkan.

Gua takut. Setakut cacing dikejar ayam.

Prolog yang sangat menarik kan? Silalah ludah sekarang jugak jika anda terase meluat dengan kenyataan tadi. Tapi jika tidak, silalah doakan kebahagiaanku. Ceh, tade kaitan kan kan?

It's been REALLY long since I've updated you wahai blog tersayang. No, love. I ain't abandoning you. It's just that I've been SUPER busy lately. And life has been putting lots of pressure on me. Yeah, I have a fucked life. Sangat fucked okay. Kalau dalam skala dari 1-10, akan ku berikan 100 kepada ketidakseronokan hidupku.

And life in UTAR hasn't been that easy lately. *sigh*

Who says not all people discriminate? Bukak mata, bukak telinga dan perhatikan sekeliling anda.

Yang senyum tak semestinye bahagia.
Yang ketawa tak semestinye gembira.

Konklusinya, hidup tak senang. Jangan nak menggedik mintak simpati kalau hidupmu susah. Jangan menggedik mengadu jika hidupmu tak sepertin yang kau mahukan. Jangan menggedik berputus sas hanya kerana kau rasa itulah satu-satunya caranye.

p/s : short post ja. kerana baruku sedar aku perlu menaiki kereta api untuk pulang ke semenyih sebentar lagi dan memang dan dan aku tak mandi lagy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Orang selau tanya, "Takde yang special ke?" Dalam hati aku jawab, " Yang special takdak. Yang speSIAL ada ar".

Ahahaha gurau-gurau ja babe.

Ala, tak perlu la ber-special-special selagi diri tu masih tak terurus. Kalau nak berkasih, kalau nak bersayang, pastikan diri tu cukup kasih sayang.

Itu nasihat yang aku selalu beri kepada diri sendiri.

Sebab ingat, apa yang kita beri kat orang, tak semestinya apa yang kita dapat semula. Dan memang aku mengerti betul dengan kata-kata tu. Sebab aku dah laluinya. Dah rase peritnye. Dah telan pahitnye.

Dah, jangan kata kau tak sama. Jangan kata kau tak serupa. Bagi aku semua sama saja. Sama dajalnya. Sama cacatnya. "The player's changed, but the game remains the same", bak kate Big Momma dalam citer Big Momma 2.

So, hangpa jangan dok tanya dah. Sebab jawapanku tetap. Hingga ada orang yang dapat membuktikan sebaliknya. Aku cabar korang. Tunjukkan perkara yang aku tak nampak. Tunjukkan bunyi yang aku tak dengar.

Meraban siak. Ahaha tapi rasenye sape yang paham tu, paham la. Yang tak paham, buat-buat je paham. Adios sayangku :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009


If you guys noticed, I'm a huge fan or origami. So huge that whenever I'm bored or have nothing to do, my fingers will scavenge for some papers, no matter how it looks or where I found it. I'll make origami out of the papers. The ones that I remember only la. Takkan semua origami ley ingat kan?

And ouh, for some of you who are still wondering what the hell is origami, I suggest you click on to this link : Origami with Rachel Katz

Or, you can just Google it and search for the information.

Berlambak-lambak jenis origami yang ada. Peh, rugi kalau tak belajar. And if you feel like learning, you can start by doing the simple ones. Like cranes, hearts, boxes etc. . Again, Google 'em by typing in the word origami diagrams. Then, you find so many diagrams with illustrations that'll help you on the paper folding process.

Afraid that you'll have trouble following the diagrams? Then, go for tutorial videos. There's a bunch of 'em in YouTube, for instance.

Tak tergoda lagi? Okay, ai goda yu all cukup-cukup hari ni. ^_^

Photo taken from Kimono Reincarnate's Blog

I found this photo on Flickr. The one who made it deserves two thumbs up! :)

This one, I made it myself after watching a tutorial on YouTube.

Butterflies! :) Tutorials on You Tube here.

Ahah! Cukup tergoda tak? *wink wink*

Saturday, November 21, 2009

i second her say

See the video above? I feel for her too. Haha! Because I've been in that kind of situation like dozens of time. Nah, I ain't nagging but it does feel weird, you know.

It's like every time I turn to say something, I'd see them exchanging seductive glance ( haha! ) to each other, or maybe kissing. And that is way awkward than seeing a naked man! Fuh. Yeah, I know. I am overreacting. Hehe.

The point is, if you couples wanna hang out with us, the single ladies and guys, lepak macam member lepak kay. In other words, smooch, kiss and cuddle somewhere private, okay? Spare us the awkward moment, yeah?

Oh yeah. I LOVE her vids. I'd recon you do too. Do visit her :) communitychannel

Thursday, November 19, 2009


abang katak

Ahah. Study kejadahnya. Kejap je post entri baru pulak. Memang dasar pemalas T_T

Pulang ke Kampar hujung minggu yang lalu bersama boypren. Sape sape?

Ni ha. Hamsome kan?

Dia lah yang akan meng-guide atau secara kasarnya memaksa aku menabung supaya buley capai angan-angan aku yang bernilai lebih kurang RM60-RM100.

Leher dia pakai shawl. Kampar sejuk siot. Kesian dia :P

sutung kurita


Mamat tu datang lagi hari ni. Kali ni dengan teka-teki. Hadui. Naseb baik kelakar la jugak. Tapi aku dengan Fatin && Grace agak-agak blur siket.

Bukan blur sebab teka-teki. Blur sebab mamat tu. Haish ape la nak jadi.

Yang lawaknye, kiteorang yang semangat create barrier antara kiteorang dengan dia. Kerana dia lebih dewasa. Lebih tua. Lebih berpangkat. Lebih-lebih. Haha! Memain je.

Dia? Lagi maw dekat. Tak, tak salah. Tapi pelik. Tiba-tiba dan sangat pelik. OhMyFrog, ape nak jadi?

Lupakan mamat tu sekejap. Beralih ke benda lain pulak.

Esok midterm, paper Management Studies. Paper yang sangat busuk. tapi busuk lagi Fundamentals of Marketing. Aku sampai sekarang tak tahu ape kaitan EL dengan bende-bende yang aku belajar time Foundations ni. Rase macam nak lempang je makhluk yang buat pelan pembelajaran Foundations ni.

Lempang? Berani ke? Haha! Sekali die muncul, terberak terkencing kau, nyah. Kahkah!

Hah, dah dah. Blah la kau. Pegy study. Dah la bangang, malas pulak tu. Tak sedar diri. eeeeeee.

Monday, November 16, 2009


pernahkah kau melihat dunia ini dengan
perspektif lain?
dengan tanggapan lain?
dengan pandangan lain?

pernahkah kau terfikir
segala cubaanmu
menjadi manusia yang sempurna
hanyalah menjadikanmu
manusia yang durjana

mana nilaimu?
mana pekertimu?

buang segala haloba
kutip semula nilai murnimu
yang telah kau tinggalkan
dilupakan demi cita-citamu yang
hanya angan-angan kosong

Friday, November 13, 2009


Aku pulang besok. Nantikan kepulanganku besok. :)

To Do List ::

1. Makan. Makanan. Mama. :)
2. Tengok movie :)
3. Bawak balik movies ke Kampar. Buhsan. :)
4. Study la siket-siket w/pun berada di rumah. Midterm kot! :)
5. Makan kat Sup Power Ali. :)

dan yang lain-lain? Tak ingat. Nanti i beritahu okay? :) Adios Amigos.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


First of all, rest in peace to the three fellow UTARians. I don't really know them. But still, condolences from me to their family and friends. May it be a lesson for us.

Huh. It's been a week full of nothing but sad news. For Kampar people of course. I never thought Kampar could be so popular in such short time. Nah, I ain't proud of it. Who'd be proud if your place is popular for such bad things, right?

Please, people. Avoid going to waterfalls of any rivers during this season-the rainy season. Because believe or not, whether you're good in swimming or not, you can still drown. Because anything might happen, love.

So, if you think that the river's too deep or too dangerous for you to be in, don't hesitate to NOT TO GO INTO THAT RIVER, okay? Or in other words, avoid rivers during rainy season.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Question of the Day

Question for today : why people prefer to say / type" f**k" or "tuuuuuut!" instead of the real thing, as in FUCK?

I mean, if you're intending to say FUCK, just say it la. It;s still the same, FUCK or F**K, right?

Will be discussing this later. Adios :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ni bukan poem. ni sampah!

never have i felt this way before.
the feeling of loneliness.
the feeling that only i feel.
the pain that no ones knows.

i may have asked too much.
i may have expected to high.
but all i want is our old times back.
where no one is more important than the both of us.

never have i felt this way before.
the jealousy.
overcoming my common sense.
taking over my mind.

this has come to an end.
and maybe it is the end.
no longer i feel that u need me.
nor am i important to u

so, let me fly away
soar above the sky, alone
i shall still look over for u
without u knowing, at all.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

que sera sera

There are times when you would do
anything to protect
the ones you love.
No matter what it takes.
No matter how we do it.
It's just natural.

And sometimes, you would overdo it.
You cared too much.
You worried too much.

And there are times you should stop.
Stop being too overprotective.
Stop being too paranoid.

So, I'll do what I should have done.
I shall stop and let nature takes it's course.

"Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera "

Thursday, October 8, 2009


OMG header aku huduh. Gonna hav to change it ASAP. tunggu yaaaaaa~ :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Friday, October 2, 2009

Meet katbadar, babe :)

I was strolling along the internet when I found this person on Youtube St. She was so cute && talented. In singing of course. She has a voice that could wake you up from any dreams or maybe could put you into one.



Uhhhh sorry I can't seem to find a photos of her, yet. But,I'll post up some of her best vid ( in my opinion )

Hope you guys enjoy her as much as I do! :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DaVinci && PeeWee the sea slugs

Good day, fellow blogger! And good morning! Ouh yeah, mokcik's pretty early today, innit? Posting an entry at 7.36 ain't something normal for me, you know.

Okay, updates on my aquarium? I sold a fish named Amornrad. Thnx to Grace for naming it Amornrad. Geez man. I feel like a fish just now, mate. Then, I sold it off since it's already an adult. And I really wanna get rid of it. Imagine imagining yourself as a fish. In a tank. Geez that fucking freaky man. That's why I let 'em go when they're already adult. Kesian depa taw. Hish angpa ni.

And then, something interesting happened. I think my slugs are mating. BUT, that's what I thought la. Mindaku yang kotor ini tidak dapat menahan diri dari berfikiran kotor. Heh. But it's been in that position for more that half an hour already. Teehee!

Wau sangatla lame dye ber-tuttttttttttt ni kan. Adoy bangge daku selaku parents depa. Aku dah hajaqq dengan betui dan mereka dengaqq cakap mak depa. *tears*

Heehee! LOL.

And, suddenly *take note that I am tryin' to study Accounts at this time* I thought of searchin' on the net on how sea slugs mate.

This is what I got from

" Sea slugs are hermaphrodites; each individual has both male and female sexual organs and produces sperm and eggs. Some simultaneous hermaphrodites possess male and female organs at the same time, while others begin life as one sex and then transform to the other gender. Individuals do not exchange their own sperm and eggs; the reproductive system of sea slugs keeps these products separate within an individual.

Mating behaviors are highly variable in sea slugs. Some species mate as pairs; others form long chains of individuals. In some species, particularly those that are simultaneous hermaphrodites, both sperm and eggs are reciprocally exchanged between partners at the same time. Individuals in other species behave as either male or female during a mating session. Mating may last from minutes to days, depending on the species *kewl!*. Fertilization may not take place immediately; an organ called the seminal receptacle can store sperm for several months until the eggs they will fertilize have reached maturity.

Eggs are laid in masses ranging from hundreds to millions of individual eggs; the masses are sometimes formed into chains or globules on the substrate or in the water column, and some species protect their egg masses with a mucous covering.

When eggs hatch, planktonic larvae emerge; these larvae, called veligers, soon develop a shell around them. A few species retain their eggs inside their bodies, and young emerge as juveniles, thereby eliminating the planktonic larval stage. "

Sea slugs are actually cute creatures. They're yucky, but cute. Unlike the slug. Slugs are worst than sea slugs dow. Geez.

Wanna see them? Click HERE. ( Sea Slugs of Hawaii website )

Andddddd then, in Wiki, I saw slug'sphoto's. Ewwwwwwwwww! Go and see it for yourself. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The LINK to total Euuwww-ness

Take note ya'all. This is how I REALLY looked when I saw all those photos. Nightmare man.

No more slugs for me!! Urghh! I had enuff or slugs ya'all. Not a good view, I'd say. No offense, slugs. But I don't like you!! Except for sea slugs, of course. Heeee:) Toodle Doo!

♥For more info on sea slugs, visit :

Sea Slugs of Hawaii


The Slug Site

Monday, September 21, 2009


Yeah, aku suka buat pouty lips. Bukan kerana aku pikir lips itu akan membuatkan jejaka-jejaka tergoda. Cume, sengaja dibuat untuk menyampaikan pesanan sinis. Heee!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Watched it so many times and shed tears each time I watch it. 'nuff said, just watch it and you'll get what I mean. Thanxx Yasmin for this ad. May all of you be reminded that imperfection of our loved ones are the most perfect thing that could ever happen in your life.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

15MALAYSIA One Future

One Future

Sorry, I didn't update the vids for a long time. Actually there are like 5 vids that have been released.

This is like documentary-like vid which states that there is everything that we could achieve but there is one thing that we could not do-speak out. I think it is sort of like a sindiran la. Just watch it and you'll see.

Directed by Tan Chui Mui ( see details here )

Saturday, September 12, 2009

mokcik's say

Watched 'Chocolate' by Yasmin Ahmad, again.

You guys didn't get the message? Well, watch it again then.

Nope, I didn't watch it again because I didn't get the message. It's just that I think I missed Yasmin. I know this sound crappy. I mean I'm not that close to The late Yasmin pun kan? Why the hell should I be so sentimental about it?

You'd go, "This girl's a lunatic. Macam la die rapat sangat dengan arwah."

Whatever la. I missed her. That's all. And suddenly, I feel a bit emo-ish la okay. It's hard to tell, really. It's a mixed up of all the things that I have been thinking of lately. I blame myself for that, mind you.

Oh no. Nope the adoring-not-so-tough-guy anymore. I'm over him, I think. Hehe! No, seriously, it has nothing, completely nada to do with him.

But then, after watching the video, I started to think. I mean, I thought of it before but the video sort of like gave me the idea for this entry.

Is there such thing as 'love breaks the race barrier'?

For me, personally I think it does. Maybe not as obvious but still, a little here and there, it does makes a difference. It did happened to me. My parents too I guess. You see, my mother is sort of has darah Cina in her family plus Thai. That explains her sepetness. Hehe! On the other hand, my father is half Thai half Indian. Sort of. You see how complicated my family is. That's why I don't really talk about it. It'll get you guys all blurred up okay.

Back to the story.

When my father married my mother ( obviously! ) he sort of like adapted to some Chinese, or more specifically Hokkien's culture. He can speak Hokkien, although not that fluent. He eats Chinese food. Same goes to my mother. She knows how cook Thai food very well. She improves her Thai and even speak Thai like Kelantanese do. ( You see, people in the North speaks different dialect of Thai )

So, there's no specific race in my family. We consider ourselves Malaysian and that would be just enough. No categories whatsoever. Love has brought my dad and my mom, and not to forget my grandma and granddad together despite their differences. And we lived and still living in a very harmonious lives.

They sort of like gave in and humbly learn about their partner's culture and tried their best to adapt to it. I did too when I was with this guy. We are totally different, religion-wise. But, still we could be together, learning about each other. I learned a lot. And I appreciated it. I dunno about him but I think I did. It's not that hard, really.

But then again, if there's no love and no multiracial marriage, then there would be no harmonious life ke?

This is a question that I believe most of us could answer. But still, easier said than done. Well, for most of us la.

You see, if people can walk the talk, I believe racism, stereotypes and prejudice would no longer take place in our country. Kan?

I know. I know. This topic dah macam basi gila. But, basi or not, this is still a problem to us. Many campaigns and urges from the authorities and all but the result's the same. The racial issue has never been resolved. So many things have been tried to overcome it. But this problem is like cancer. Spreading fast without cure threatening 'em.

My say?

I think, all Malaysian should just forget about race. Forget about who we are. Where we came from. Let's just set up our mind that we are all MALAYSIAN. Not more than that. Is that too much to ask? It's not me who are asking it for fun. But it is important to lower down your ego. Whether you're a Malay, Indian, Chinese or even a minority like me. It's not like you loose anything pun. Kan?

I still don't get it why I post this entry. I guess Arwah Yasmin's messages and intention have just enlightened me. This is what her ads and movies are for. To remind you that you are a MALAYSIAN. And that Malaysians should just cut the crap and be good citizens. Don't just point to each other. Point at yourself and you'll see that it's actually as simple as ABC.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


tears down my cheeks
my soul hurt
my heart bleeding
rot till the very end

tell me this is for real
tell me you'll be there

you came and go
just like that
leaving me in darkness

where would i go?
to mend this shattered heart?
who would i turn to?
to put my soul together?
who is this for? no one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


smile blooms when i see u
the rain stops,
the sun shines
as bright as your face

Monday, September 7, 2009


siang berganti malam
cerah berganti gelap
namun aku masih disini
setia untukmu

ditemani pelukan sepi
yang erat memelukku
enggan melepaskanku

aku rindukanmu
wahai pujangga
aku perlukanmu
wahai kekasih

jangan bulan,
jangan tinggalkanku
jangan pergi
jangan diganti dengan siang

aku mahukan kau, bulan
kau juga sepi
temanilah aku

pelukan sepi ini akan terus menemaniku
sehingga kau muncul, sayang

p/s : diilhamkan oleh filem Sepi. yeah aku baru tengok. sakit jiwa aku tengok, in a good way la. sangat touching doe citer tu. i like! :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


are light that turns into beams
that cheers up
the lives that had been fucked up

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Motor Indon :)

Aku buat salah ryni :}

Aha, aku ta lupa la. Mama baru pesan, jangan gatal-gatal pegy bawak motor orang lain. Kang eksiden sape susah? Kalu bawak anak orang, kang ape-ape jadi, sape susah? Kalu motor orang tu jadi ape-ape, sape susah?

Ye mama. I have never forgotten. But I have to. Really :)

Eheh ^_^

Seriously, yesterday I had to send the sate to Sabrina's. I have to sebab banyak sangat sate uh. Tade sape maw makan doe. Ta tipu. Betuuuuuuuul. Then, alang-alang aku dah ade motor, pakai jap untuk pegy jaje muka untuk mintak sponsors untuk pertandingan drama mass comm. uh. Ha, ade motor kan senang. Ta penat aku maw kayuh jauh-jauh. Kan kan? Hari ni motor uh macam aku punya. Haha! Thanks BK. Lapp u lah bro.

Tadi buat stunt paling bagus siak. Motor indon jap td. Tersedak, I mean terdesak. Heeeee :)

Signing off for now. Maw mandi. Malam ade program :)

Photo taken from Anti Kaskus blog :)
Tenkiu eh. Nak photo contoh ja :)

Monday, August 31, 2009



Ada maksud tersendiri yang terselit dalam vid ini. Bagi saya, apa yang penting ialah kita buang semua sempadan perkauman dan menjadi SATU bangsa Malaysia. Kalu anasir nak menggembar gemburkan negara kita, dan pada masa yang sama kita tengah sebuk dengan perkara yang ta membawa faedah, tak ke nahas negara kita kalu macam tu? Kan kan? Vid ni best sebab cara ia menyampaikan mesej kepada penonton melalu kaedah yang unik. Kot. Hehehe. Anyways, thumbs up for this vid.

Directed by Kamal Sabran ( see details here )

Friday, August 28, 2009

Eheh :)

Aku jeleh ni! Yasmin balik awal dari aku lagi. Padahal baru td tukar tiket. Whadawhat? Aduy.

Tape tape. Asalkan aku balik, itu sudah memadai, kan kan?

Dari tak balik lansung,, lagy berapi. Betul ta? :)
Banyak-banyakkanlah bersabor di bulan puase ini okay :)
Senyum selalu :)
Sebenarnye tade sebab pun nak post entri ni.
Sementare tunggu nak mandi, ghatal sikit jari ni.
Eheh :)


The Son

Yang ni, aku blur siket mule-mule. Tapy lepas tu aku paham kot. It's like an advice la. Nevertheless, you have to watch it so that you get what i mean.

Directed by Desmond Ng ( see details here )


jiwaku gelap
lansung tiada bunyi

malam mendatang
mengganti siang yang terang
keseorangan aku di sini
tanpa cahaya, sendirian

angin bertiup
menemani aku
menenangkan aku
mendodoikan aku

kesepian bukan satu keinginan
kesepian bukan yang ku pinta

keseorangan aku disini
menanti cahaya
datang mengambilku

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pujaan hatiku

Hujan lebat! Arghhhhhh camno den nak poi koleh ni deng? Adoy. Mampuih la. Tunggu yo lah hujan tu reda. Kereta oh kereta. Bila kaw maw menjadi kakasih hatiku? Datangla padaku wahai kakasih, pujaan hatiku. Bila kaw ada, semuanya indah dan mudah. Kereta oh kereta. Cepat sayang, datangla kepadaku. Datanggggg....


Mana mungkin semua itu jadi kenyataan?
Angan-angan yang indah.
Fantasi yang menarik.
Namun, angan -angan tetap imaginasi.
Fantasi tetap mainan minda.



A slapstick joke about ayam. Heheh! Bukan, mengenai cara-cara menyembelih ayam dengan cara Islam yang betul. Adibah Noor is in it! Lawokk :)

Directed by Liew Seng Tat ( see details here )



This one, hmmmm I'd have to say, a very touching one. Memang sedey. Because its the plain fucking truth. Tengok la sendiri dan nilai la perspektif anda :)

Directed by Linus Chung ( see detail here )


The Tree

Yang ni, aku sokong betul la. Simple words that means so much :)

Directed by Amir Muhammad ( see details here )

15MALAYSIA Chocolate


This one is one of my fav. Sebab the late Yasmin Ahmad did it and it has no fixed ending or intro pun. Semua kene fikir sendiri :)

Directed by Yasmin Ahmad ( see details here )

15MALAYSIA Potong Saga

Potong Saga

I love this one. Memang kelakar tahap cipan terbalik. Moral of the story, jangan cepat buat andaian. Teehee! :)

Directed by Ho Yuhang (see details here)

15MALAYSIA The Intro


Apa tu? *_*
Haaaaa, if you are still wondering what the heck is 15MALAYSIA, it is actually a compilation of 15 short films made by our own Malaysian film makers etc. The short films, all of them takes on the issues here in Malaysia. It's like their own way of describing Malaysia la, either in a positive of negative way la kan. It's up to you guys to decide it. I post the videos and links up on my blog so that you guys could watch it and download it if you'd like to keep it to yourself.

What I think about 15MALAYSIA?
i think it's a splendid idea! Wow a thousand times babe! I like! You know why? Sebab dye memang straight forward and the issues are REAL. Not fake okay. Aku dah penat tengok movie or films yang fake nak maty, and most importantly hypocrite. Fantasy or make believe, I can still stand it. Tapi kalu movie tu fake, like all stuff in it are all telling people shit je, baik ta payah tengok kan? All the stuff in 15MALAYSIA films are real and memang menceritakan tentang ape yang berlaki di sekeliling kita. And it makes us think. Bila tengok filsm tu, kita akan mula fikir tentang macam-macam perkara. Baik atau buruk, pahit atau manis. Tu semua kita akan nilai balik lepas tengok short films tu awww.

Nak tengok jugak? Macam mane?
I'll post it up on my blog to help promote 15MALAYSIA. Ikut urutan la sebab dye release pun ikot urutan kan. Tujuan saya post kat blog saya adalah hanya untuk meng-iklankan dan mem-promotekan hasil kerja film makers negara kita yang berbakat. Sia-sia buat kalu ta tengok kan?

And please, pegy la tengok website dyeorang dulu. Baru best. All the details are there. SO, just fell free to click this and you'll be directed to 15MALAYSIA website.

Wanna watch the short film? Choose one :)
Potong Saga released on17 Aug 2009
Chocolate released on 19 Aug 2009
The Tree released on 21 Aug 2009
House released on
24 Aug 2009
Halal released on 26 Aug 2009
The Son released on 28 Aug 2009
Lumpur released on 31 August 2009


dilemma taik kucing

I'm in dilemma right now. English or Broadcasting. Broadcasting or English?
Adoy aku maw mati!
Apehal susah sangat ni?
Dulu aku dah bulatkan hati nak buat English.
Tapi bile dah dengar pengalaman Kak Ina, terase gatal nak buat Broadcasting dow.
Adoy apesal aku ni frickle-minded?
Bodohlah kaw ni Amorn.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Persoalan hidup

Kata-kata menyengat, menikam hati, mengguris perasaan.
Sungguhku sedih.
Tak terdaya melawan.
Perasaan ini.
Kekalahan menakluki.


Mengapa semua mesti berubah?
Mengapa tidak seperti dahulu?

Tidak bolehkah gelak tawa kita seperti dahulu?
Tiada dengki dan benci?
Tiada sengketa dan dendam?

Mana pergi pelangi?
Mana pergi burung?
Semuanya menghilang.
Tinggal pohon kemarahn yang semakin membesar.
Tiada damai.
Tiada aman.

Hanya sedih datang menjenguk.
Menindas ku berkali-kali.

Aku rindu!

Saat kita bersama-sama.
Melalui kesukaran.
Menghadapi kepayahan.

Mengapa berubah?
Mengapa tidak seperti dahulu, bahagia?
Mangapa tidak seperti dahulu, gembira?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jiwang Karat Tahap Cipan Berak Kapur

When I see you
My body can't move
My tongue got twisted
And I feel busted

When we hang out
We know what to talk about
Chat till late in the night
And maybe ended up in fight

We look like best friends
But I know I want more that

Please tell me
How could this be
We are supposed to be pals
And hang out in malls

But now it's all different
The candle is burnt
And the feeling is lighted

I no longer want you as my buddy
Neither as my enemy
But all I want is you
To tell me 'I love you'

Kiss me if you want me
Hug me to tell that you need me
Caress me if you cherish me
And take my heart away if you love me
Hak Cipta Terpelihara Amorn

Next time nigga

Hell-o people. Haha. Okay that is so weird. Well, it was a weird weekend anyway. It started off with the fact that I had to be alone this weekend because it seems that all my pals are off to their respective hometowns. And I'm like some weirdo lying around here when everyone else got to go back to their home. Shit big time ya'll.

I lost my wallet for goodness sake! Fuck it. Yeah I put my bag outside of the class but I thought UTAR was supposed to be safe enough for me to do that. No idea some people would come and take it. Why I said someone took it? Because it ended up in the toilet. But hell, I don't care who took it. Because I'm happy enough to have the wallet back along with the stuff in it. All the important stuff la. No, I don't care about the money. Hell, this stuff is way important than money. My IC, License, Resident Card and most importantly, my ATM card. Hell I don't know what imma do without it. You tell me people, how to live with ATM cards. Haha!

And the climaxx of the weekend is that I fell of my bike. It was an accident. Wanna know how? Ask me :)

Want the photos of my knee that got injured?
You wanna see it?

Maybe next time, nigga! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009


Malam seperti bersama-sama merasai apa yang aku tanggungi
Dalam hati ini
Panas, membahang amarah

Dari mata turun ke hati
Dari hati terbit cemburu
Menyelubungi jiwa
Membayangi diri

Mengapa kau dengan dia?
Mengapa bukan dengan aku?

Kita teman
Berjanji selalu akan bersama
Biar dicabar ombak meninggi
Mahupun tasik kepayahan yang mendalam

Namun bila yang baru tiba
Kau buang aku
Jauh darimu, lupakan aku
Aku sudah tiada erti, memori lama harus dibuang
Sekarat basikal tua
Selusuh kain lama

Laraku ku bawa jauh
Jauh darimu, hilang dari pandanganmu
Aku tidak mahu kau
Melihat laraku, membusuk di dalam jiwa
Sedihku yang membunuh diriku sendiri
Biar aku beransur
Entah kemana, yang pasti jauh darimu
Tiada lagi aku
Untuk menumpang kasihmu
Meminjam tenagamu
Merugikan masamu

Kasihku masih teguh
Kini dan selamanya

Thursday, August 13, 2009

meet dicky

Hello world. Meet my boyfriend, Dicky. ^_^

I'm alone in the house, I think. Sometimes I feel like a loner. People in my house seems to disappear without me knowing where they went. Fuck it. Bhahahaha But come to think of it, aku pun keluar tak bagitau orang lain. Bodohla amorn ni.

Missed, or rather intentionally skipped Comp. Studies this morning. Dang, that class was so effing boring that we wouldn't feel any loss if we skipped that class. Ask my coursemates. You'll know why. Tak baik la aku kutuk kan ^_^

And I'm super sleepy la. But at the same time, superbly hungry. Shit. Instant noodle time. Imma get all my hairs falling down by end of the semester. LOL Kidding la. ( my mum would freak out and ask me not to eat instant noodle at all ) Tapi sumbat instant mee pun kekadang bosan jugak kan. Tapi malas mau keluar makan la. Sorang-sorang pulak tu "=_=

Kampar seems to be in a very gloomy mood right now. It rained like almost all the time. Dulu panas macam sial. Sial. Sekarang hujan, pun macam sial. Aku yang tak thankful.

Tomorrow's the Public Speaking Talk show day. Dang I'm not prepared yet. Best kan? Sangtla best :) Saturday, Economics presentation pulak. Adoyy.

Mee dah kembang, buhbye :)

purple is ma thang :)

It's already 3.45 am and I'm still awake. Why? Ask her. Bhahahah.

I had to do this question and answers thingy for my talk show presentation, due this Friday. Yeah, it's on Friday and I'm still preparing the questions. I'm the best last-minute-student. Be jealous. Heheh! Okay, moving on.

While preparing the questions, I somehow found this very interesting thing (wtf!) It's like you can create your own design of the Converse canvas shoes. Personalize them, you'd say. It was fun! Aahah. No, actually it wasn't that kewl pun. But, you don't have any idea of how sleepy I am. That explains the me-finding-this-thing-interesting. Kill me :)

Andddddd, you can purchase it. The personalized design will be sent to the factory kow and will be custom-made and delivered to you. Mine cost $62.00 which is like so un-affordable for me. So, I'll just dream about it tonight :) Be jealous la weyy...

I'm so in love with the colours la bhai! :) Yeah, I'm Miss Rainbow, if you're wonderin'. I like colours all around me and I wear colourful tee's and and my usual Crocs, the orange one. I look like a clown, kot. Teehee!

Wanna have a look and perhaps, have them? Go here.

P/s : Oh my goodness, we are getting sick of that person. Not la until hating that person. Just sick of je.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Barbeque-ing with my classmates were awesome! :)
Super duper awesome :)

But it's already late now. Gonna post that entry soon. And it's friggin' hot la after all that 'drink'. Adoyy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Papa, ni ha urukurannya :)

gua takut gua salah baca ukuran XD
terukk kan? ahahahahahahhahahahaha


Cuba bayangkan kalau kita masih di zaman di mana sistem barter masih digunapakai. Persoalan ini tiba-tiba menyelubungiku tatkala aku sedang mendengar lecture Principles of Economics. Secara jujurnya, aku bukanlah seorang pelajar yang tekun mendengar segala lecture. Kerana itulah, timbul persoalan itu tadi. Tersenyumku sendirian ketika memikrkan kebarangkalian kejadian itu.

Bagaimana jika aku, seorang penternak ayam ingin mempunyai seikat sayur untuk makan tengah hari? Pastinya, aku perlu menukarkan ayamku dengan sayur, bukan? Tetapi, aku hanya mahu seikat sayur. Adakah aku patut memberikan seekor ayamku hanya untuk seikat sayur? Adakah ianya berbaloi? Dan, bagaimana jika petani itu tidak mahukan ayam? Haaaaaa...

Dan, cube bayangkan... Tiba-tiba terasa diri ingin bershopping. Takkan daku mahu menjinjing itu ayam ke mana sahaja aku pergi. Tidakkah itu pelik tampaknya? Hehehehe. Barangkali meletakkan ayam-ayam di dalam beg sambil membeli-belah? Hahahaha :)

Renung-renungkan dan sayangilah wang yang anda ada sekarang :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm Back

I'm already in Semeyih baby! :) Later gua cer panjang-panjabg. Maw keluar, nengok movie! :))

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yay! I did it at last!

Wow! At last, all the hard works came to a result, which is this! (photos above) It's actually a lotus origami. I followed the tutorial on You tube actually. The hardest part wasn't the folding or flipping the papers. But I find measuring && cutting the papers the most mah fan part of this origami. I know it doesn't look that perfect as the one shown on You tube. But still, I'm satisfied =) Wanna learn too? Here's the link : Lotus Origami

Utarians, anyone interested in learning how to do this origami, just come and see me. I'd love to teach ya'll. FOC babeyh :) Just make sure you bring some coloured papers okayy :) I'm usually at the cafe or the reading room. If I were not to be at the places I've mentioned, just give me a call okay. You know my number :P

Monday, July 27, 2009

It's time for me to say I love you

Have I ever tolod u how much I love my Crocs? Waaaaauuuu I love 'em so much! Since I bought them okayy. Maaf la camera ta hebat sangat. So, ke-orenan Crocs I tu ta terserlah. Kalu angpa kenal ceqq, angpa taw la camna orennya Crocs ceqq :)

Kenapa la ceqq suka sangat kat buaya ni? Angpa nak taw sebab kan? Mai sini ceqq habak kat angpa...
  1. Colour dia lawa betui! Angpa jangan main-main. Colour dia ada oren, merah, purple. Biru pun ada. Semua colour-colour striking, angpa taw dak. Huihhh lawanya ta terhingga :)
  2. Design dia, comel betui laaaaaa. Ceqq tergoda betui. Ni kalu boypren ceqq nak bagi 9,999 dok kularp ( roses, in thai ) pun, ceqq rela suruh dia p tukaq dengan Crocs sepasang :)
  3. Dia tahan lasak betui! Ceqq lalu kat mana pun, semau buley redah ja. Hujan pun ta takut aih. Waterproof lagi tuuuuu. Angpa toksah takut nanti tapak tercabut ka apa ka. Semua getah, ta takut rosak! :)
  4. Kita buley basuh dia bila-bila masa. yang penting ada ayaqq dengan sabun ja ( kalu dah teruk sangat Crocs angpa tu ) Memang kalu yang macam ceqq punya tu, memang la senang kotoqq. Tapi senang kotoqq pun, senang jugak la nak basuhnyaaaa :)

hippie hippo

yay! hippie style photo :) hippie mmg best tapy memandangkan kat Kampar ni punye la panas, I don't really like letting my hair down. Because, imma get sweaty real fast. Unless i cut my hair. Hmmmmmm, then only I can wear hippie everyday to uni. :)

Bercinta Itu Memerlukan Wang Yang Banyak

Bercinta Itu Memerlukan Wang Yang Banyak

Okay, I don't really know how to translate it into English. Or, is it "Having Girlfriend/Boyfriend Is Costly". Whatever la. As long as you guys get what I mean, that's more than enough.

Why did I said that having a gf/bf would be costly? Here are some reasons :

  1. You gotta call him/her like 24/7.
    And since you're not the only heir of the telecommunication company, you'd have to reload a lot kan? And it seems that talking for just half an hour won't be enough. I know la. I've been through that too (hundreds of years before) So, a lot of money have been used up for the credits on phone. That's costly because setiap kali rindu je, call. Kalu selalu rindu, selalu la call. Selalu call results in banyak credit yang dipakai. Kayap la kome XD
  1. You gotta text him/her like 24/7 too!
    You guys text-ed for the whole day. Call pun dah call. Text lagi. Pakai duet tuuuuu. Sometimes, you guys can text from the very minute you woke up, till the very hour you brush your teeth and getting ready for bed. Love is amazing, no doubt about that.
  1. If you're having along distance relationship, you don't see him/her too often kan?
    So, whenever you guys meet, you'd meet them in a special place. Eat out and watch movies, maybe.Enjoy gile-gile la kirenye. That's costly. Lagi-lagi guys, because you have to belanja your gf kan? Kang gf kata ang kedekut taik hidung masin!
  1. You have to give presents on their birthdays.
    This applies to couples who take this matter seriously. And you don't really give RM2 presents right?
  1. Anniversaries.
    Ohhhhh, this is also costly. Especially if the relationship lasted for more that 12 months. Sure belanje kaw kaw punyaa :)
Well, the above statements are all mine and I'm sure not all of you would agree. So, if you guys have anything else to say, or if you want to say that you don't with me, feel free to do so :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Please tell me this is not THE Yasmin Ahmad you're talking about :(

OMG! I can't believe this. Sumpah. I didn't even know she was hospitalized. I'm in full shock right now. Still can't believe my eyes. It's like a dream je. Sumpah. Tell me this is not true and these people are talking about another Yasmin Ahmad. Please. Weyyyyy... I can't take this.

Mesti korang kate aku melebey-lebey. Bukannye the late Yasmin tu relatives aku pun. But to me, she's like a mother. Mother of all creativity and great things. Arwah was the one who spoke for her mind and other minds as well without any fear. She taught me many things through her movies. Her movies were the very best.

Still, I can't believe that this is really happening. OMG :((

Sepet, Gubra, Mukhsin and other movies has been so insprirational to me in may ways. It's like she said or more like she expressed her thoughts that are mostly the same with mine. So, when i watched her movies, I feel related to her. OMG this is shocking babe. Sumpah I don't expect this pun. And I think she's working on her latest movie awww. Such a waste for he to go now. Tapi hidup mati, bukan kita yang menentukan. Kan?

The nation, I believe is not ready for such thing. Well, I am, for sure. She will be missed dearly. I will miss her. Rest in peace.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Aku taw..

Aku taw kenapa diaorang siarkan yang gf dia mengandung. Nak cover cerita kot. Agaknye.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Of routines and laksa

Another week passed by and now I realised that time flies like lalat flying around a shit. Hehe! Ouh and the routine life in Kampar. To be frank, it sucks. I don't really prefer routines-doing same thing everyday over and over again. I remembered the day I quarelled with my mum because I didn't want to go to tuition. The reason- I don't want a routine life. Yeah, it sounds stupid and seriously I regret for the disagreement.

Ah, all the memories flooding back into my mind. Remedies of the past came haunting, inviting the longing of being there, beside my family and friends.

Apart from the routines, life here is pretty awesome. Still no heavy congested traffic. And it's been a while since Kampar experince a heavy rain. I wonder why. Oh! One more thing. I noticed that Kampar is now experiencing haze!

Someone please set up a McD francais here in Kampar! I'm getting sick of the food here already. Not la as in soooo sick with the food. But heck, I need some varieties la. Uhhhhh and this reminds me of laksa! I've been dying to find one fine laksa for my taste buds. It's dying for some extreme taste && flavours! People who knew me before would recognise me as the one who loves extreme foods :P

I almost forgot what I'm supposed to do; study! Arghhhhh studying is not my passion, obviously. And after a well-enjoyed honeymoon after SPM, my brain seems not to be working how it supposed to. And dang I HATE econs && accounts. I DESPISE the two of them. I DISLIKE their presence. I DISGUST them being the ones that I have to 'take care' of.

p/s : There, secare tidak lansung, I've given you the synonyms of HATE.

pp/s : Where the hell did that mamat went to? Tibe-tibe hilang! :\

i <3 Ghost 2 Finale :)

OMG! I watched the last episode of Ghost 2 and I cried twice! Tak kira la berapa minit I cried. But since I replayed the last scene twice, I end up crying twice! TWICE my dears. Adoi. Parah siot.

Ouhhhhhh best gilak. Gilak best! If you guys didn't have the chance to watch it, go to and watch the Catch-Up Tv. But remember to make an account first okay. But if you guys are at home that day, for sure you guys watch it kan? If you're one of Ghost's die-hard fan like me! :) Tapi ade jugak yang tak suke. Entah kenape. Huhhh. This is so far the best Malaysian Drama okay. And they got award for it okay. Shout Awards. (Penat aku meng-iklan ni)

In the end, Eza was supposed to be together with Zack. But.... Jeng jeng! Go watch it la.

Beeeeeeeessssssst sangat doe!

Ouh, I sounded pathetic kan? Jakun kan? Gelabah kan? Pedulik hape? Yang penting aku dah tengok. Weeeeeee~!

p/s : my mate sudeh bengkak ley. sakit pulak tu. adoi. but it's worth it for a drama like that. daripade aku nangis sebab lain, ta de gunenye kan? :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

baruku sedar aku suka mencarut tahap gaban punya

Baruku sedar yang aku suka mencarut BERKALI-KALI. Bukan kadang-kadang tetapi setiap masa jika ada kesulitan yang berlaku. Umpama mencarut itu sebagai satu cara untuk melepaskan perasaan marah atau sakit hati.

Tapi, rasanya adalah lebih baik mencarut dari mencari gaduh bukan? Sebab kalau mencarut, setakat mencaraut pada diri sendiri sudahlah. Lepas tu, semuanya selesai (bagi saya la). Kalau cari gaduh, sampai besok pun belum tentu selesai. Kan kan?

Perktaan 'shit' itu sudah menjadi lumrah. Ha, jangan diungkit perkataan yang digunakan time sekolah dulu. Lagi dahsyat. Lagi teruk. Tsk tsk.

Jika ada yang sakit telinga mendengar daku mencarut, harap dimaafkan la ye. Sebab it really comes naturally. And I feel that by swearing, I'm releasing the bad aura without troubling anyone else. Eh, tapi macam ade je yang sakit telinga. Hehehe.

Well anyway, mencarut itu sudah pastti tidak bagus dan yang penting menampakkan imej yang kurang menarik dan kurang sopan terutamanya bagi kita kaum perempuan. Tapi, kalau dah mencarut tu, just let it go. Jangan nak ditambah-tambah dengan pergaduhan ke hape ke. End of story.

P/s: Mid term exam! Urghhhh malam ni paper Public Speaking. Hope it turns out well. Ta study sangat puuuuuunnnnnnnn ;(

Sunday, July 12, 2009

bottle cap pendant

pendant baru! ta lawa but i'm satisfied. at least i now know how to make one. corak dye agak buruk, i know. hehehe but since sume tools aku tarak, ni la hasilnyeee :)

Oh oh. Baju tu berkata "I SAW CHOCOLATE, I THOUGHT OF YOU" :)

multiplicity ; posters

Lecture hall UTAR

Went there twice already. Okay la kot :)

P/s : tarak idea maw blog eheh

Friday, July 10, 2009

Have Sex In Goat Pen

Ouh, great. Teen now prefers to have sex in goat pen? Puh-lease! I mean, to have sex when you're barely 18 is already a bad thing to do. And now, you have sex in a goat pen? What the fuck? Go get a room la.

"Apparently, the 15-year-old girl began sleeping with the youth in March and became addicted to sex."

"The girl’s family then went in search of the youth who had disappeared."

Why jeopardize your future for something that has not been confirmed to be your destiny now and forever? Okay, your boyfriend wants it. You let it happen babe. Takkan pokok bergoyang tanpa ada anginnya *nothing can happen without a cause* And then what? Your boyfriend loves you more? They would do anything for you? That's all bullshit! Sex is a no-no for non-married couples. Why? I tell you why.
  1. First thing's first. They wouldn't even ask you to have sex with them if they care for you. They won't let you risk your own future.
  2. "If we have sex, our bond would be greater" is bullshit! You're not married yet for goodness sake! If he's yours, he will be yours, forever.
  3. "If you don't have sex with me, you don't love me" is another bullshit with a cherry on top. Like I said just now, if he loves you, he won't ask for sex. He wouldn't want you to just risk your future like that.
  4. "Come la. One time only". Sex is said to be addictive. So, one time only is soooo not true.
  5. You have a possibility to be balckmailed if anything goes wrong. Wow, is this happens, you're so in trouble. Imagine he has the footage of you two having sex and one day when your relationship goes wrong, he would just balckmail you with it. And the, you end up having sex with him because he said so.
  6. Pregnancy. Woow this is serious matter okay. I mean, what if you get pregnant and he don't want to be married yet? What the heck are you going to do? Abort it? Damn, the baby is innocent. And it's your flesh and blood, remember? Keep it? And risk being kicked out of you family? Plus, who's going to finacially support your 'new' family if both you and your boyfriend are not working?
All we need to do id to think rationally. You have fun now, later you'll soon regret. He's not going to loose anything okay. You are. So, you should be taking care of yourself and your future. Don't just do it for the sake of showing that you love your boyfriend.

The other day, I heard that an ex-student of UTM found dead in the hostels. She was giving birth to her anak luar nikah child when she died. See? And FYI, she's a drop-out. Why? You ask youself. Don't die because of your stupidness okay?!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Kampar, 7 Julai 2009-TEH telah digulingkan kuasanya pada petang tadi. Sejarah ini telah meninggalkan banyak kesan terhadap kami, para rakyat TB7. Penggantinya, GSL akan menggambil alih kuasanya bermula esok.

Penggulingan kuasa tersebut telah berlansung selepas kelas tutorial G. Mass Communication petang tadi dengan campur tangan Mr. AL. Detik bersejarah ini telah lama dinanti-nantikan oleh rakyat TB7. Hal ini kerana telah berlaku pelbagai konflik ketika tempoh pemerintahan EH. terdapat pelbagai ketidakpuasan hati dalam kalangan rakyat yang berada di bawah pemerintahan beliau. Rasa tidak puas hati ini telah tiba pada puncak klimaksnya.

Namun begitu, penurunan kuasa ini telah diusulkan sendiri oleh EH. Beliua dengan rasa kurang malu telah menuding jari kepada rakyat-rakyat beliau dengan menyatakan bahawa rakyat beliau tidak mahu bekerjasama. Hal ini telah menaiikan kemarahan raktyat lalu penurunan kuasa itu telah dilansungkan.

Rakyat telah menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk memilih GSL unut menggantikan TEH.

Suatu majlis keramaian dijadualkan akan diadakan di salah sebuah restoran di Kampar. Majlis ini mungkin diadakan bagi meraikan detik bersejarah ini.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Since I can now take pictures with ma phone, the upcoming entries will be filled with photos! Yay :) So, the photos below are random ones that I'd like to share with you guys :)

Me eating durians! Yayyyy! Thanks to Yasmin, I got the chance to eat durian :) Thanks babe :)

My handsome horse that helped me all my way to the uni. Thanks babe :) I LARVE YOU

The housing area that I'm living in now. Lawa kan? See the bukits behind? There's a lot more tawww. And you can see them clealy everyday.

My current look. Teehee! I look like ayam hilang anak saja XD
Hnadsome kan?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I did it! Yay yay! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I fixed the phone (the camera) on my own! Tell me I'm a genius! Yaaaaaaaay!

I filled the empty space between the buttons with the wire (above) and i can now take pictures with my phone! yay!

How To Make a SPECIAL Paper Doll

Hahah! My very FIRST 'How To' video. Hope you guys got some benefit from it, not just laughing at my mistakes. Hahah!

Ignore the mumblings and the craps. teeheeeee! :)

5 minute speech

I told you guys that I will post the speech right? So, this is it. The speech that rook 5 minutes something the other day. Oh yeah it sounds gross to talk about shits innit? So I'm weird. So what? There are other weird topics that have been brought up by my classmates. Okay, so take a good look and tell me what you think.

Go go Elephant DUNG! :)

"Ladies and gentlemen,

You might be wondering about what I am going to talk about. I am going to talk about elephant dung paper. Yes! Elephant dung paper. I’m not kidding. It is really elephant dung which is then turned into papers. Still not believing it? Well, in that case, you should further listen about what I got to say.

But first, let’s take a look at the photos that I have been so excited to show you all. Look closely at the photos. Tell me what do you see? Yes, elephant dung indeed!

It’s contains are mostly fibres because elephants are herbivores. An elephant could eat up to 200-250kg of food and they produce 50kg of dung. Furthermore, since dung is waste products, they can actually be categorized as pollutants if no steps are taken to destroy the dung wisely.

Ladies and gentlemen,

So, what can we do with elephant dung? Have you ever heard we could produce papers form these dung? Maybe it’s not that well-known in Malaysia but in countries like Thailand and Sri Lanka where abundant of elephants can still be seen, this elephant dung paper is quite well-known. Usually the elephant conservation centers are the ones who produce these papers. Mostly, the mission is to raise as much money for the centre so that they could afford to take care of the elephants and there would be enough fund for them to treat the elephants if they are sick.

According to Elephant Dung Paper, Thai Elephant Conservation Center’s website the elephant dung paper was actually developed by Mr. Wanchai. He got this idea when he was passing by a natural paper factory. Then, during a visit to Thai Elephant Conservation Centre in Lampang Northen, Thailand was the birth of the whole idea. He saw elephant dung that are mostly consisting of fibres. He then brought the dung home and experimented. At last, he did it. And the best part of this whole discovery was that he used his wife’s food processor to cut the fibres. And he still keeps it as a reminder and not to forget a new food processor for his wife!

Ladies and gentlemen,

I will now show and tell you how exactly these paper were made. First, of course is to collect the elephant dung. After collecting it, the dung would be washed and boiled for around 5 hours to clean it. So, there should be no doubt about its cleanliness. Then, the boiled dung will be bleached. You know, to get rid of the colour. You don’t want the paper to still look like dung, right?

Later, the dung will be spun to cut the fibres into smaller pieces so that the making of paper would be a lot more easier. This process usually takes up about 3 hours or so. Then, came the colouring part. Colourings are inserted to produce colourful papers. After that, the dung will be shaped into balls. It make sure that the dung are divided equally for each frames. The balls will be sifted evenly on the frames and will be dried after that.

After the papers are dry, the next process is to sand the paper to produce a smoother-surfaced paper. And voila! An elephant dung paper is ready to be assembled into many types of products.

Members of the floor,

So, what are the products that can be made from these papers? Usually, they will be turned into crafts and souvenirs. Such products like books, photo frames, festive cards, stationery and even magnetic decorations are sold at the conservation centre itself. I have found several websites that offers online shopping for these products. This shows that, these elephant dung papers are widely acceptable. People might think that these kind of products are lame and will not compete the commercial products we have nowadays. I beg to differ to that statement. Not only are they environment safe, these products are so beautiful and up to the standard.

Before I end my speech, I would like to urge you to support this noble deed. No matter if it’s elephant dung or any other natural-based products. It would make a lot of difference just to do something small. Thank you."