Sunday, July 19, 2009

Of routines and laksa

Another week passed by and now I realised that time flies like lalat flying around a shit. Hehe! Ouh and the routine life in Kampar. To be frank, it sucks. I don't really prefer routines-doing same thing everyday over and over again. I remembered the day I quarelled with my mum because I didn't want to go to tuition. The reason- I don't want a routine life. Yeah, it sounds stupid and seriously I regret for the disagreement.

Ah, all the memories flooding back into my mind. Remedies of the past came haunting, inviting the longing of being there, beside my family and friends.

Apart from the routines, life here is pretty awesome. Still no heavy congested traffic. And it's been a while since Kampar experince a heavy rain. I wonder why. Oh! One more thing. I noticed that Kampar is now experiencing haze!

Someone please set up a McD francais here in Kampar! I'm getting sick of the food here already. Not la as in soooo sick with the food. But heck, I need some varieties la. Uhhhhh and this reminds me of laksa! I've been dying to find one fine laksa for my taste buds. It's dying for some extreme taste && flavours! People who knew me before would recognise me as the one who loves extreme foods :P

I almost forgot what I'm supposed to do; study! Arghhhhh studying is not my passion, obviously. And after a well-enjoyed honeymoon after SPM, my brain seems not to be working how it supposed to. And dang I HATE econs && accounts. I DESPISE the two of them. I DISLIKE their presence. I DISGUST them being the ones that I have to 'take care' of.

p/s : There, secare tidak lansung, I've given you the synonyms of HATE.

pp/s : Where the hell did that mamat went to? Tibe-tibe hilang! :\

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