Monday, August 31, 2009



Ada maksud tersendiri yang terselit dalam vid ini. Bagi saya, apa yang penting ialah kita buang semua sempadan perkauman dan menjadi SATU bangsa Malaysia. Kalu anasir nak menggembar gemburkan negara kita, dan pada masa yang sama kita tengah sebuk dengan perkara yang ta membawa faedah, tak ke nahas negara kita kalu macam tu? Kan kan? Vid ni best sebab cara ia menyampaikan mesej kepada penonton melalu kaedah yang unik. Kot. Hehehe. Anyways, thumbs up for this vid.

Directed by Kamal Sabran ( see details here )

Friday, August 28, 2009

Eheh :)

Aku jeleh ni! Yasmin balik awal dari aku lagi. Padahal baru td tukar tiket. Whadawhat? Aduy.

Tape tape. Asalkan aku balik, itu sudah memadai, kan kan?

Dari tak balik lansung,, lagy berapi. Betul ta? :)
Banyak-banyakkanlah bersabor di bulan puase ini okay :)
Senyum selalu :)
Sebenarnye tade sebab pun nak post entri ni.
Sementare tunggu nak mandi, ghatal sikit jari ni.
Eheh :)


The Son

Yang ni, aku blur siket mule-mule. Tapy lepas tu aku paham kot. It's like an advice la. Nevertheless, you have to watch it so that you get what i mean.

Directed by Desmond Ng ( see details here )


jiwaku gelap
lansung tiada bunyi

malam mendatang
mengganti siang yang terang
keseorangan aku di sini
tanpa cahaya, sendirian

angin bertiup
menemani aku
menenangkan aku
mendodoikan aku

kesepian bukan satu keinginan
kesepian bukan yang ku pinta

keseorangan aku disini
menanti cahaya
datang mengambilku

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pujaan hatiku

Hujan lebat! Arghhhhhh camno den nak poi koleh ni deng? Adoy. Mampuih la. Tunggu yo lah hujan tu reda. Kereta oh kereta. Bila kaw maw menjadi kakasih hatiku? Datangla padaku wahai kakasih, pujaan hatiku. Bila kaw ada, semuanya indah dan mudah. Kereta oh kereta. Cepat sayang, datangla kepadaku. Datanggggg....


Mana mungkin semua itu jadi kenyataan?
Angan-angan yang indah.
Fantasi yang menarik.
Namun, angan -angan tetap imaginasi.
Fantasi tetap mainan minda.



A slapstick joke about ayam. Heheh! Bukan, mengenai cara-cara menyembelih ayam dengan cara Islam yang betul. Adibah Noor is in it! Lawokk :)

Directed by Liew Seng Tat ( see details here )



This one, hmmmm I'd have to say, a very touching one. Memang sedey. Because its the plain fucking truth. Tengok la sendiri dan nilai la perspektif anda :)

Directed by Linus Chung ( see detail here )


The Tree

Yang ni, aku sokong betul la. Simple words that means so much :)

Directed by Amir Muhammad ( see details here )

15MALAYSIA Chocolate


This one is one of my fav. Sebab the late Yasmin Ahmad did it and it has no fixed ending or intro pun. Semua kene fikir sendiri :)

Directed by Yasmin Ahmad ( see details here )

15MALAYSIA Potong Saga

Potong Saga

I love this one. Memang kelakar tahap cipan terbalik. Moral of the story, jangan cepat buat andaian. Teehee! :)

Directed by Ho Yuhang (see details here)

15MALAYSIA The Intro


Apa tu? *_*
Haaaaa, if you are still wondering what the heck is 15MALAYSIA, it is actually a compilation of 15 short films made by our own Malaysian film makers etc. The short films, all of them takes on the issues here in Malaysia. It's like their own way of describing Malaysia la, either in a positive of negative way la kan. It's up to you guys to decide it. I post the videos and links up on my blog so that you guys could watch it and download it if you'd like to keep it to yourself.

What I think about 15MALAYSIA?
i think it's a splendid idea! Wow a thousand times babe! I like! You know why? Sebab dye memang straight forward and the issues are REAL. Not fake okay. Aku dah penat tengok movie or films yang fake nak maty, and most importantly hypocrite. Fantasy or make believe, I can still stand it. Tapi kalu movie tu fake, like all stuff in it are all telling people shit je, baik ta payah tengok kan? All the stuff in 15MALAYSIA films are real and memang menceritakan tentang ape yang berlaki di sekeliling kita. And it makes us think. Bila tengok filsm tu, kita akan mula fikir tentang macam-macam perkara. Baik atau buruk, pahit atau manis. Tu semua kita akan nilai balik lepas tengok short films tu awww.

Nak tengok jugak? Macam mane?
I'll post it up on my blog to help promote 15MALAYSIA. Ikut urutan la sebab dye release pun ikot urutan kan. Tujuan saya post kat blog saya adalah hanya untuk meng-iklankan dan mem-promotekan hasil kerja film makers negara kita yang berbakat. Sia-sia buat kalu ta tengok kan?

And please, pegy la tengok website dyeorang dulu. Baru best. All the details are there. SO, just fell free to click this and you'll be directed to 15MALAYSIA website.

Wanna watch the short film? Choose one :)
Potong Saga released on17 Aug 2009
Chocolate released on 19 Aug 2009
The Tree released on 21 Aug 2009
House released on
24 Aug 2009
Halal released on 26 Aug 2009
The Son released on 28 Aug 2009
Lumpur released on 31 August 2009


dilemma taik kucing

I'm in dilemma right now. English or Broadcasting. Broadcasting or English?
Adoy aku maw mati!
Apehal susah sangat ni?
Dulu aku dah bulatkan hati nak buat English.
Tapi bile dah dengar pengalaman Kak Ina, terase gatal nak buat Broadcasting dow.
Adoy apesal aku ni frickle-minded?
Bodohlah kaw ni Amorn.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Persoalan hidup

Kata-kata menyengat, menikam hati, mengguris perasaan.
Sungguhku sedih.
Tak terdaya melawan.
Perasaan ini.
Kekalahan menakluki.


Mengapa semua mesti berubah?
Mengapa tidak seperti dahulu?

Tidak bolehkah gelak tawa kita seperti dahulu?
Tiada dengki dan benci?
Tiada sengketa dan dendam?

Mana pergi pelangi?
Mana pergi burung?
Semuanya menghilang.
Tinggal pohon kemarahn yang semakin membesar.
Tiada damai.
Tiada aman.

Hanya sedih datang menjenguk.
Menindas ku berkali-kali.

Aku rindu!

Saat kita bersama-sama.
Melalui kesukaran.
Menghadapi kepayahan.

Mengapa berubah?
Mengapa tidak seperti dahulu, bahagia?
Mangapa tidak seperti dahulu, gembira?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jiwang Karat Tahap Cipan Berak Kapur

When I see you
My body can't move
My tongue got twisted
And I feel busted

When we hang out
We know what to talk about
Chat till late in the night
And maybe ended up in fight

We look like best friends
But I know I want more that

Please tell me
How could this be
We are supposed to be pals
And hang out in malls

But now it's all different
The candle is burnt
And the feeling is lighted

I no longer want you as my buddy
Neither as my enemy
But all I want is you
To tell me 'I love you'

Kiss me if you want me
Hug me to tell that you need me
Caress me if you cherish me
And take my heart away if you love me
Hak Cipta Terpelihara Amorn

Next time nigga

Hell-o people. Haha. Okay that is so weird. Well, it was a weird weekend anyway. It started off with the fact that I had to be alone this weekend because it seems that all my pals are off to their respective hometowns. And I'm like some weirdo lying around here when everyone else got to go back to their home. Shit big time ya'll.

I lost my wallet for goodness sake! Fuck it. Yeah I put my bag outside of the class but I thought UTAR was supposed to be safe enough for me to do that. No idea some people would come and take it. Why I said someone took it? Because it ended up in the toilet. But hell, I don't care who took it. Because I'm happy enough to have the wallet back along with the stuff in it. All the important stuff la. No, I don't care about the money. Hell, this stuff is way important than money. My IC, License, Resident Card and most importantly, my ATM card. Hell I don't know what imma do without it. You tell me people, how to live with ATM cards. Haha!

And the climaxx of the weekend is that I fell of my bike. It was an accident. Wanna know how? Ask me :)

Want the photos of my knee that got injured?
You wanna see it?

Maybe next time, nigga! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009


Malam seperti bersama-sama merasai apa yang aku tanggungi
Dalam hati ini
Panas, membahang amarah

Dari mata turun ke hati
Dari hati terbit cemburu
Menyelubungi jiwa
Membayangi diri

Mengapa kau dengan dia?
Mengapa bukan dengan aku?

Kita teman
Berjanji selalu akan bersama
Biar dicabar ombak meninggi
Mahupun tasik kepayahan yang mendalam

Namun bila yang baru tiba
Kau buang aku
Jauh darimu, lupakan aku
Aku sudah tiada erti, memori lama harus dibuang
Sekarat basikal tua
Selusuh kain lama

Laraku ku bawa jauh
Jauh darimu, hilang dari pandanganmu
Aku tidak mahu kau
Melihat laraku, membusuk di dalam jiwa
Sedihku yang membunuh diriku sendiri
Biar aku beransur
Entah kemana, yang pasti jauh darimu
Tiada lagi aku
Untuk menumpang kasihmu
Meminjam tenagamu
Merugikan masamu

Kasihku masih teguh
Kini dan selamanya

Thursday, August 13, 2009

meet dicky

Hello world. Meet my boyfriend, Dicky. ^_^

I'm alone in the house, I think. Sometimes I feel like a loner. People in my house seems to disappear without me knowing where they went. Fuck it. Bhahahaha But come to think of it, aku pun keluar tak bagitau orang lain. Bodohla amorn ni.

Missed, or rather intentionally skipped Comp. Studies this morning. Dang, that class was so effing boring that we wouldn't feel any loss if we skipped that class. Ask my coursemates. You'll know why. Tak baik la aku kutuk kan ^_^

And I'm super sleepy la. But at the same time, superbly hungry. Shit. Instant noodle time. Imma get all my hairs falling down by end of the semester. LOL Kidding la. ( my mum would freak out and ask me not to eat instant noodle at all ) Tapi sumbat instant mee pun kekadang bosan jugak kan. Tapi malas mau keluar makan la. Sorang-sorang pulak tu "=_=

Kampar seems to be in a very gloomy mood right now. It rained like almost all the time. Dulu panas macam sial. Sial. Sekarang hujan, pun macam sial. Aku yang tak thankful.

Tomorrow's the Public Speaking Talk show day. Dang I'm not prepared yet. Best kan? Sangtla best :) Saturday, Economics presentation pulak. Adoyy.

Mee dah kembang, buhbye :)

purple is ma thang :)

It's already 3.45 am and I'm still awake. Why? Ask her. Bhahahah.

I had to do this question and answers thingy for my talk show presentation, due this Friday. Yeah, it's on Friday and I'm still preparing the questions. I'm the best last-minute-student. Be jealous. Heheh! Okay, moving on.

While preparing the questions, I somehow found this very interesting thing (wtf!) It's like you can create your own design of the Converse canvas shoes. Personalize them, you'd say. It was fun! Aahah. No, actually it wasn't that kewl pun. But, you don't have any idea of how sleepy I am. That explains the me-finding-this-thing-interesting. Kill me :)

Andddddd, you can purchase it. The personalized design will be sent to the factory kow and will be custom-made and delivered to you. Mine cost $62.00 which is like so un-affordable for me. So, I'll just dream about it tonight :) Be jealous la weyy...

I'm so in love with the colours la bhai! :) Yeah, I'm Miss Rainbow, if you're wonderin'. I like colours all around me and I wear colourful tee's and and my usual Crocs, the orange one. I look like a clown, kot. Teehee!

Wanna have a look and perhaps, have them? Go here.

P/s : Oh my goodness, we are getting sick of that person. Not la until hating that person. Just sick of je.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Barbeque-ing with my classmates were awesome! :)
Super duper awesome :)

But it's already late now. Gonna post that entry soon. And it's friggin' hot la after all that 'drink'. Adoyy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Papa, ni ha urukurannya :)

gua takut gua salah baca ukuran XD
terukk kan? ahahahahahahhahahahaha


Cuba bayangkan kalau kita masih di zaman di mana sistem barter masih digunapakai. Persoalan ini tiba-tiba menyelubungiku tatkala aku sedang mendengar lecture Principles of Economics. Secara jujurnya, aku bukanlah seorang pelajar yang tekun mendengar segala lecture. Kerana itulah, timbul persoalan itu tadi. Tersenyumku sendirian ketika memikrkan kebarangkalian kejadian itu.

Bagaimana jika aku, seorang penternak ayam ingin mempunyai seikat sayur untuk makan tengah hari? Pastinya, aku perlu menukarkan ayamku dengan sayur, bukan? Tetapi, aku hanya mahu seikat sayur. Adakah aku patut memberikan seekor ayamku hanya untuk seikat sayur? Adakah ianya berbaloi? Dan, bagaimana jika petani itu tidak mahukan ayam? Haaaaaa...

Dan, cube bayangkan... Tiba-tiba terasa diri ingin bershopping. Takkan daku mahu menjinjing itu ayam ke mana sahaja aku pergi. Tidakkah itu pelik tampaknya? Hehehehe. Barangkali meletakkan ayam-ayam di dalam beg sambil membeli-belah? Hahahaha :)

Renung-renungkan dan sayangilah wang yang anda ada sekarang :)