Tuesday, November 3, 2009


First of all, rest in peace to the three fellow UTARians. I don't really know them. But still, condolences from me to their family and friends. May it be a lesson for us.

Huh. It's been a week full of nothing but sad news. For Kampar people of course. I never thought Kampar could be so popular in such short time. Nah, I ain't proud of it. Who'd be proud if your place is popular for such bad things, right?

Please, people. Avoid going to waterfalls of any rivers during this season-the rainy season. Because believe or not, whether you're good in swimming or not, you can still drown. Because anything might happen, love.

So, if you think that the river's too deep or too dangerous for you to be in, don't hesitate to NOT TO GO INTO THAT RIVER, okay? Or in other words, avoid rivers during rainy season.

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