Thursday, February 26, 2009

van idaman

huhu just went to the clinics just now with mama. i think its gettin better kot. far more better that this morning of course.

u know, i have this double decker bed (which is not double actually). well, it has one bed and the lower area is empty la. bed ikea yang kayu tu. still, the bed is damn high. naik tangge die pulak cam naik tangge batu caves aw. so i was practically suffering gile babi. sebab ta buley put too much pressure on the foot. tapi tamaw la tdo bawah enn. bantal pun kat atas. so, terpakse la pakse diri untuk memakse kaki untuk naik atas enn. darnnnn! pagi tadi pon same. hahaha mcm sial je rase. (banyak nye mencarut) luckily the doc said i was okay. no patah-patah. no retak-retak. fuhhhh naseb baek doe. or else macam mane saturday ni enn? haih haih.. syukur syukur ^_^

so the doc prescribed me some obat. obat tahan sakit and obat bengkak. i didn't know thay had ubat for bengkak aw. thanks to science, i'm feeling a lot better now.

so, today is actually my pet bro's birthday aw. happy birthday bro! yay. he asked me out today to celebrate the birthday of his. tapi mesti la tabole cause i got classes today enn. hope he's not that MAD at me. tgk tgk i hurt my foot lak. lansung due due ta dapat. balasan ke? hahaha...
abg yat! abg jgn marah ehh. promise u that i will someday spend time with ya. just not today aite? happy birthday && semuga panjang umor, murah rezeki okay!

moving on. tadi tengok The Hoppers & Ahli Muzik aw (ulangan). okay la. not bad. i liked it because it features about musicians (indie enn) all around the country (9 states actually). best jugak la. the best thing i like about the show is the vehicle used. *wink wink the VAN of course. looks kinda cute when come to think about it. yeah its old. outdated. BUT still, i like it! hahaha tadi lak, when i called zaty, i asked her about the van la.

"mane ko nak cari duet nak beli huh?"
"laa, aku amek yang tepi jalan laaa"

then i thought, "ade ke tepi jalan? bukan da mahal ke srg?" hrmmm
so, guess i can just dream of it only. others might want cars that are SUPER cool. with super beaut body and stuff. but as for me, that van is enough! hahaha.. tapy enn. bukan banyak masalah ke kereta lame ni? hmmmm.. -_- because last time, my papa had this mini clubman aw. not the mr. bean type la. banyak masalah doe. the car broke down like, MANY times aw. stereng pon tercabut. waw. my mom told me about this. she was driving, as usual to work. then suddenly stereng tercabut! in some ways, it may sound hilarous. but in other way, its kinda dangerous enn. naseb baik at that time, we were all at Grik. so, less car and the road tu macam bapak kite yang punye. my mum was lucky to survive. but after we all moved to Semenyih, my dad sold it. huhhhh -_- i miss that car. tapi kan banyak kos kan. nak baiki la ape la. huhuhu kalau la mini tu aku dapat. waaahh! best tuuuu. i'll upload the pict of the mini once i found it okay ;)

dapat VW Kombi van tu pon besssst. ramai orang bule naik. zaty. ain. akma. abg yat. fiyan. dan sume sume la. excited sangat. can't think of other names already ^...^

pssst! i'm starting my first driving lessons! wahhhhh tak sabar nak dapat lesen! but still, my scoot is my darling. motobikes (AND scooters) are THE best! yay

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