Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a day of tiredness

bru jep sembang dengan fiyan, rinduu gilak deyhh. hhaha sperti biase dye pon ala-ala sengalketam jgk. hope this continues till the end okey dear! ;)

so, wht happened todayy eh?
actually i'm meeting si A. teman kuh dr ganu. zaty pong ikut along with her sis. tiba di kl sentral at-i-am-not-sure-of-the-time. jmpe la dengan kawan dye uhh. perghhh. baru la aku dpt nmpk muke dye uhh. definately not hotstuff pong. ta padan dengan care dye bercakap && berlagak! XD whtever. met him && makan makan kejap. yg gua bengang (bengang sgt nih!) dye bwt cm zaty uh tunggul kayu rotan. bodo siak. kalu nak meet, bwt care nak meet. i mean, at least talk la abit abit. ni cm ta penah bercakap lakk. haisssh malu kot? (n_n) apepong, aku sgt sgt ta tahan dengan atmosphere yg sunyi cmtuh. nseb sis zaty nak gerak awl. thnx to her, kiteorg pong gerak g mid. nak blk tu pong cm sial jgk. no nothing, not even a decend goodbye's. nseb bukan kawan aku! (^__^)

at mid...
dah smpai mid, tgk tgk my dear si A kne balik pulekk. haisehhh byk dugaan doe. but he has a strong reason for not being there. ade mslh. some one kne xcident. kesian dye aw.. hrp2 abg dye uhh semboh cepat cepat. && nextime musti belanja aku! hahaha XD okayy then we went to the pets wonderland. (nak bribe sis zaty punye psl) tgk tgk kucing tikus yg teramat busok la wei! hahaha then jumpe ikan. dye pong nak beli la itu ikan. tapy elok elok jep nk amek ikan, dye nmpk kekure. nak pulek kekure. tapy mahal siot. kene la pujuk sis dye uhhh. smpai ta makan doe '__'. hahaha agak lawak la jgk.. then nak dekat 3 kot kiteorg gerak balik. lps tu punye hal, tade ape ape yg menarik sbb da penat time tuu.. lastly, mak aku pong amek kat kajang. penat.letih.ngntk! ;)

malam tu pulekk
pegi klenek amek result of blood test. doctos said everythin's okayy except kadar lemak! hahaha ade sikit masalah. tapy terlebey siket jepp (defend diri sendiri) so, after this kne jge makan. haihh jeles betul ngn org yg makan ta naik naik badan nihhh ;)

p/s: hope to see u soon deyhh. kawe tggu deyh. dop sab nok jupo ;)

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