Saturday, February 21, 2009

tagged by anis ;)

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals that you have. At the end, choose six people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them about the tag. You can’t tag the person who tagged you.

16 Random things that I have.
  1. berlungguk baju tak dibasuh
  2. lots of sampah kat bilik
  3. dinding bilik yang tak lawa. tak rata. buduh.
  4. big ass ahah!
  5. koleksi taik hidung. nak tengok?
  6. .........
  7. .........
  8. tengah pikir lagi
  9. .........
  10. .........
  11. jiran aku suke bising-bising.
  12. anak jiran aku pon bising.
  13. aku ade keluarga yang best
  14. kawan yang best
  15. jirang yang 'best'
  16. yay da habess ;)

I tag ;

  1. qeela
  2. si B
  3. si C
  4. si D
  5. cik G
  6. miss K

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