Wednesday, February 25, 2009

bodek badik badak?

not in the good mood over the past 2-3 day. dont understand why. and i dont think its because of the PMS thingy. i'm always like this. kumpul-kumpul kemarahan then meletup one day. or maybe two. three. ahh! whatever.

just now my sis lak bwt hal. aku pinjam barang. actually aku tataw tu dye yang punye. so when she came back, she was really mad. no big deal pong. she's the one making it harder. at that exact time, i was merely awake. baru bangun tido okay. then gado ar macam harimau berebut awek. ahaks XD after the fight (no details. sgt sgt ganas) i suddenly realised that my feet hurts, a LOT! till now. bengkak kot. can't walk properly. when my mum asked, i said "terseliuh tady". darn. sakit sgt sgt ni. patah kot. what if it IS really broken? fracture ke? (o_0) just hope imma be okay soon. looking forward to have some fun this weekend. i'll be a good girl okayy ;) (acara membodek)

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