Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dikale aku terase diriku emo

Sisters will never fall apart. Sumpah tak tipu.

Aku ade dua jenis sisters. Sister kandung dengan sister tak kandung. Bhahaha. Bodo punye ayat siak.

Firstly, my real sisters. Dede and Lana. Gaduh banyak-banyak pun, in the end, we're still together. Still sisters. Ape orang kate, air dicincang, takkan putus? Haaa, betul la tu. So many differences, yet we still could agree with some matters, all the three of us. And, that is what a treasure really is. No money could replace that. Not even adik angkat or adik tiri. Seriously, I miss the times we were together. Altough time gaduh-gaduh. At least, bawah satu bumbung kan? Not to forget my family la. Papa and Mama. Alahhh, neneks too la :) Sekarang, terbuktilah yang, "Family matters the most. Ape-apepun yang kite buat, salah atau betul, family jugaklah yang akan sokong kite".

Another sister is my besties. Both of them too. But, since Ain went to PLKN, I guess I spent more time with Zaty. And that makes our sisterhood even stronger. Whatever we did, we do it together. Tu pasal jadi macam attached sikit. Sumpah aku miss dye. Aku nak pegy rumah dye macam selalu. Sekarang ni, kalu dye ade masalah pun, aku ta buley nak jumpe dye. I feel useless aww. Dulu, kalu ade salah paham pun, bende tu takkan jadi salah paham sebab kiteorang taw ape yang terjadi. Dah paham-paham. Tady baru dye cakap, kiteorang ni kepale same jep. Tu pasal buley get along. Masalah pun kongsi same-same. Same jugak macam Ain. Cume, kurang ber-contact sikit dengan dye sebab dye sibuk.

Sumpah aku miss sisters aku ni. Bile nak jumpe pun tataw la. Salah paham, marah-marah tu memang ade. Tipulah kalu takde kan? Sebenarnye, itulah yang membuatkan hubungan tu istimewa. Takde orang lain yang buley ganti tempat korang, aku sumpah.

Dede and Lana, be good girls okay? Rajen-rajen tolong Mama. Jangan malas okay. And, jangan gaduh selalu. Padahal korang ni sayang-menyayangi kan kan? Eheh :) Be good daughters to Papa and Mama. I love you all, termasuk Papa and Mama lah :)

Zaty, aku sayang ko jugak. Aku ngaku, kadang-kadang uh, ade jugak bende yang kite tade sefahaman. Tapy, aku paham ko. Aku pun taw ko pun paham aku jugak. Walaupun jarak antare kite jauh, tapy kite still sisters. Jage diri elok-elok. Ko kuat, ko je tataw :) Semoga kita kekal macam ni selamenye :) I will always be there for you.

Ain, sayang ko jugak. Tapy rase macam kita dah jauh. Ape-apepun, aku rindu ko jugak. Kalu ko bace ni nanty, just know that I will always be there for you too :) Jage diri okay :)

...Tears flowing,
My heart is hurt
No one else knows it
I fake a smile
Along with a laugh

But deep inside,
I bleed
For I am now far
Away from you...

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