Monday, August 18, 2008


yesterday, after a sudden decision, my dada took us to the cinema (yeah i watch movies with my family, a lot!) sis wanted to watch WALL.E so, the lot of us pun masok panggung. the movie was fun && not to mention the other cartoon thts always being shown before the real movie starts(short short cartoon meyh!) was a blast! comel gila rabbit tu ouh. kpd sape yg tgk je tahu ;)

wall.e mengisahkan robot yang ditugaskan utk membersihkan bumi yg telah dikotori ole manusia. while humans are on outer space cruise, wall.e tlg cuci bumi. last last, dye sorg je tggal. wall.e yg laen sume da jahanam. dye pun tggal sorg2, like for 700 years i think.

but then, there was this robot (female one taw!) who came to earth to find earth specimen so tht manusia yg berada di outer space bule trace earth and come back to earth. sementare the girl robot (eve) finds the specimen, she meets with wall.e. cute gila la dyeorg. they had fun together bla bla and all the musshy stuff.

how sweet is this?
then one day, the wall.e gave eve one seedling. eve pun sgt happy la cos now her mission is accomplished. she was then take back by the main ship. lupe nak cite, actually humans have been staying in space long enough smpai dah ta kenal earth. and now the're staying in a cruise ship. back to the stry..

eve pun dibawa pulang tapy well.e pun ekot. lps tu........
lps tu korg tgk la sendiri.. ta thrill la kalu aku cter sume an?

from this story, i learned something. kalu kite ta ade disiplin, pasti idop kte musnah && kalu kite ta jage alam, who knows wht'll happen to mother nature in years to come? most importantly, wht'll happen to us?
so, lps tgk cter ni, renungkanlah yerp!

hell, he's so adorable. nak pawe mcm dye la! ahaha =)

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