FYI, we were both absent yesterday. so, org ramai menganggap zaty && i berkomplot untuk ponteng. ahahah! such ideas! FYI, again, ain is not absent yesterday oke? so, obviously, we were not complotting. if we were, the person's absent would be the THREE of us! XP
guess you cant fix wht others should think, innit? tapy ta pe la. yg penting, we werent comploting larh. BUT, then again, kalu kteorg komplot pun, ape masalah? harharhar!
the form will be directly posted (more like sent) to the pengarah of bahagian matrikulasi etc etc. uhuhuhu. name je borang tapy tebal cm buku undang undang, (again, im overreacting). its actually borang OMR and one buku panduan bagaimana untuk mengisi borang itu ( i know, so detail, innit?) siap bagy amaran which sounds like this,
"Borang calon yang tidak layak / maklumat tidak tepat bla bla bla akibat kecuaian calon tidak akan diproses"
wahahaha.. punye la strict. tapy, itula matriks. kalu ta strict, bukan matriks namenye kan kan? tapy life at matriks sure is harder than skewl. kne struggle gila vavi ouh.
whtever la. yg penting i get rid of this spm thingy, enjoy smapi lebam and THEN baru fikir. woohooo! XD harap harap dpt ouh. ta perlu spend time taking dip for like, two years, i think.
for now, SPM!!! stdyla smpai lebam sebelum enjoy smpai lebam. XD
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