Thursday, December 31, 2009

merepek kerepek tepek

I'm supposed to be sleeping now, considering that it's already 3.4i am at this moment. My eyes are doomed to be closed but my heart was leaping of joy. Yeah I know the brain is the one which tells us what to do. But, my heart has won the war and is taking in charge of what I'm doing right now. Why? My heart has been cherished and smoothened with love that it is now the strongest amongst all organs.

It was the brain who succeeds to control me. But now heart has taken over. I dunno why.

Guess my heart is now contented enough. Happy enough. Calm enough.

For my heart was like tsunami, waves hitting up the rocks and shores of my feelings. No man could stop it. No one could deny the strong waves of my hatred. My strong winds of sadness.

But now, no more tsunamis to ruin my day. No more strong winds could turn my day sour.

Everything's quite okay right now. Friends and family. Lovers and best friends are all in favor to cheer me up. I love them and I will always be.

Actually the entry that I'm posting now is actually craps la. Bedtime lullaby, if you'd prefer it that way. Haha.

It's already the 31st. 2010 is already at the door, knocking away, wanting 2009 to leave the house so that he could move in. 2010, a new chapter of life.

A new paragraph of the essays of our life.
A new line in the paragraph of happiness and of sadness.
A new word in the sentence of fulfilling our hopes and dreams.
A new letter in the words of achievements.

Ape aku merepek ni? Tataw, aku geleng kepale tutup mate.

dah la tu, cukup-cukupla.

Cukup-cukupla berpoya-poya.
Cukup-cukupla bermain-main.
Cukup-cukupla bercanda.
Cukup-cukupla bergurau senda.

Cukup-cukupla hipokrit.
Cukup-cukupla mengutuk.
Cukup-cukupla mengata.
Cukup-cukupla mengkritik.

Cukup-cukupla gedik.
Cukup-cukupla poyo.
Cukup-cukupla sadis.
Habes-habeskanla amalan dosa.

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010. Semoga apa yang ingin anda kecapi, tapy tertinggal separuh jalan di 2009, diharap dapat menyambung kembali hasrat murni ( atau tak) itu. Maaf dipinta bukan hanya pada hari raya. Jangan jahil.

Adios Amigos 2009
Hello, 2010 :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

heeee gedik :P

27 12 2009

The decision I made
Spontaneous, and very very silly
I did no double check
No doubt, no questions
Not even hesitating to say no

It warms my heart to hear him

But, my mind is still sane
Questions flooded in
Soon after I said yes

I questioned my sanity
I questioned what my heart says

But HEART is always there to tell my mind
To let go
To enjoy what's love
To feel what is it like to love
And to be loved again
To cherish the sacred bond
Between two people

I gave in
I gave my heart along
My hopes
My dreams

Love never work one-way
What's given will be sent back to you
So, I pray
That the love I gave shall give light to my lover
And his love too
Shall be my light in the dark
My shinning star that I gaze upon
My rose amongst the thorn
My paradise...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

ade orang ngata ai

Orang kata aku terlalu lantang bersuara di blog ni. Yeke?

Ta caye? Meh gua kasi tengok. Click links yang akan meng-link-kan anda kepada previous postku.

Satisfied? So in case you think that I have the this-girl-must-be-very-the-sopan-one, forget about it. I can be sopan at times. But when things get messy, I'll turn into someone that you might never expected me to be.

And the thing is, I might be hypocrite in real life. But not in my blog. Sebab aku ni penakut. Face-to-face te berani nak maki. Jadi maki di blog pun cukup la kan? Untill I have the courage to do so, face-to-face. Heehee!

Aha, sape nak cari calon isteri, jangan la pilih tuan punye blog ni. Karang ta pasal-pasal kene. HAHAH~

Adios Amigos :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Kawan jangan sebarang kawan.
Kawan baik, kasi hidup senang.
Kawan buruk, kasi hidup susah.

Tapi parah bila.
Kawan makan kawan.
Kawan pijak kawan.
Kawan khianat kawan.

Tapi lagi parah bila.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

post gedik

Gua runsing. Serunsing laut yang bergelora.

Gua pening. Sepening burung yang kene lastik.

Gua bingung. Sebingung ayam yang ditogelkan.

Gua takut. Setakut cacing dikejar ayam.

Prolog yang sangat menarik kan? Silalah ludah sekarang jugak jika anda terase meluat dengan kenyataan tadi. Tapi jika tidak, silalah doakan kebahagiaanku. Ceh, tade kaitan kan kan?

It's been REALLY long since I've updated you wahai blog tersayang. No, love. I ain't abandoning you. It's just that I've been SUPER busy lately. And life has been putting lots of pressure on me. Yeah, I have a fucked life. Sangat fucked okay. Kalau dalam skala dari 1-10, akan ku berikan 100 kepada ketidakseronokan hidupku.

And life in UTAR hasn't been that easy lately. *sigh*

Who says not all people discriminate? Bukak mata, bukak telinga dan perhatikan sekeliling anda.

Yang senyum tak semestinye bahagia.
Yang ketawa tak semestinye gembira.

Konklusinya, hidup tak senang. Jangan nak menggedik mintak simpati kalau hidupmu susah. Jangan menggedik mengadu jika hidupmu tak sepertin yang kau mahukan. Jangan menggedik berputus sas hanya kerana kau rasa itulah satu-satunya caranye.

p/s : short post ja. kerana baruku sedar aku perlu menaiki kereta api untuk pulang ke semenyih sebentar lagi dan memang dan dan aku tak mandi lagy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Orang selau tanya, "Takde yang special ke?" Dalam hati aku jawab, " Yang special takdak. Yang speSIAL ada ar".

Ahahaha gurau-gurau ja babe.

Ala, tak perlu la ber-special-special selagi diri tu masih tak terurus. Kalau nak berkasih, kalau nak bersayang, pastikan diri tu cukup kasih sayang.

Itu nasihat yang aku selalu beri kepada diri sendiri.

Sebab ingat, apa yang kita beri kat orang, tak semestinya apa yang kita dapat semula. Dan memang aku mengerti betul dengan kata-kata tu. Sebab aku dah laluinya. Dah rase peritnye. Dah telan pahitnye.

Dah, jangan kata kau tak sama. Jangan kata kau tak serupa. Bagi aku semua sama saja. Sama dajalnya. Sama cacatnya. "The player's changed, but the game remains the same", bak kate Big Momma dalam citer Big Momma 2.

So, hangpa jangan dok tanya dah. Sebab jawapanku tetap. Hingga ada orang yang dapat membuktikan sebaliknya. Aku cabar korang. Tunjukkan perkara yang aku tak nampak. Tunjukkan bunyi yang aku tak dengar.

Meraban siak. Ahaha tapi rasenye sape yang paham tu, paham la. Yang tak paham, buat-buat je paham. Adios sayangku :)