Sunday, November 22, 2009


If you guys noticed, I'm a huge fan or origami. So huge that whenever I'm bored or have nothing to do, my fingers will scavenge for some papers, no matter how it looks or where I found it. I'll make origami out of the papers. The ones that I remember only la. Takkan semua origami ley ingat kan?

And ouh, for some of you who are still wondering what the hell is origami, I suggest you click on to this link : Origami with Rachel Katz

Or, you can just Google it and search for the information.

Berlambak-lambak jenis origami yang ada. Peh, rugi kalau tak belajar. And if you feel like learning, you can start by doing the simple ones. Like cranes, hearts, boxes etc. . Again, Google 'em by typing in the word origami diagrams. Then, you find so many diagrams with illustrations that'll help you on the paper folding process.

Afraid that you'll have trouble following the diagrams? Then, go for tutorial videos. There's a bunch of 'em in YouTube, for instance.

Tak tergoda lagi? Okay, ai goda yu all cukup-cukup hari ni. ^_^

Photo taken from Kimono Reincarnate's Blog

I found this photo on Flickr. The one who made it deserves two thumbs up! :)

This one, I made it myself after watching a tutorial on YouTube.

Butterflies! :) Tutorials on You Tube here.

Ahah! Cukup tergoda tak? *wink wink*

Saturday, November 21, 2009

i second her say

See the video above? I feel for her too. Haha! Because I've been in that kind of situation like dozens of time. Nah, I ain't nagging but it does feel weird, you know.

It's like every time I turn to say something, I'd see them exchanging seductive glance ( haha! ) to each other, or maybe kissing. And that is way awkward than seeing a naked man! Fuh. Yeah, I know. I am overreacting. Hehe.

The point is, if you couples wanna hang out with us, the single ladies and guys, lepak macam member lepak kay. In other words, smooch, kiss and cuddle somewhere private, okay? Spare us the awkward moment, yeah?

Oh yeah. I LOVE her vids. I'd recon you do too. Do visit her :) communitychannel

Thursday, November 19, 2009


abang katak

Ahah. Study kejadahnya. Kejap je post entri baru pulak. Memang dasar pemalas T_T

Pulang ke Kampar hujung minggu yang lalu bersama boypren. Sape sape?

Ni ha. Hamsome kan?

Dia lah yang akan meng-guide atau secara kasarnya memaksa aku menabung supaya buley capai angan-angan aku yang bernilai lebih kurang RM60-RM100.

Leher dia pakai shawl. Kampar sejuk siot. Kesian dia :P

sutung kurita


Mamat tu datang lagi hari ni. Kali ni dengan teka-teki. Hadui. Naseb baik kelakar la jugak. Tapi aku dengan Fatin && Grace agak-agak blur siket.

Bukan blur sebab teka-teki. Blur sebab mamat tu. Haish ape la nak jadi.

Yang lawaknye, kiteorang yang semangat create barrier antara kiteorang dengan dia. Kerana dia lebih dewasa. Lebih tua. Lebih berpangkat. Lebih-lebih. Haha! Memain je.

Dia? Lagi maw dekat. Tak, tak salah. Tapi pelik. Tiba-tiba dan sangat pelik. OhMyFrog, ape nak jadi?

Lupakan mamat tu sekejap. Beralih ke benda lain pulak.

Esok midterm, paper Management Studies. Paper yang sangat busuk. tapi busuk lagi Fundamentals of Marketing. Aku sampai sekarang tak tahu ape kaitan EL dengan bende-bende yang aku belajar time Foundations ni. Rase macam nak lempang je makhluk yang buat pelan pembelajaran Foundations ni.

Lempang? Berani ke? Haha! Sekali die muncul, terberak terkencing kau, nyah. Kahkah!

Hah, dah dah. Blah la kau. Pegy study. Dah la bangang, malas pulak tu. Tak sedar diri. eeeeeee.

Monday, November 16, 2009


pernahkah kau melihat dunia ini dengan
perspektif lain?
dengan tanggapan lain?
dengan pandangan lain?

pernahkah kau terfikir
segala cubaanmu
menjadi manusia yang sempurna
hanyalah menjadikanmu
manusia yang durjana

mana nilaimu?
mana pekertimu?

buang segala haloba
kutip semula nilai murnimu
yang telah kau tinggalkan
dilupakan demi cita-citamu yang
hanya angan-angan kosong

Friday, November 13, 2009


Aku pulang besok. Nantikan kepulanganku besok. :)

To Do List ::

1. Makan. Makanan. Mama. :)
2. Tengok movie :)
3. Bawak balik movies ke Kampar. Buhsan. :)
4. Study la siket-siket w/pun berada di rumah. Midterm kot! :)
5. Makan kat Sup Power Ali. :)

dan yang lain-lain? Tak ingat. Nanti i beritahu okay? :) Adios Amigos.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


First of all, rest in peace to the three fellow UTARians. I don't really know them. But still, condolences from me to their family and friends. May it be a lesson for us.

Huh. It's been a week full of nothing but sad news. For Kampar people of course. I never thought Kampar could be so popular in such short time. Nah, I ain't proud of it. Who'd be proud if your place is popular for such bad things, right?

Please, people. Avoid going to waterfalls of any rivers during this season-the rainy season. Because believe or not, whether you're good in swimming or not, you can still drown. Because anything might happen, love.

So, if you think that the river's too deep or too dangerous for you to be in, don't hesitate to NOT TO GO INTO THAT RIVER, okay? Or in other words, avoid rivers during rainy season.