sunday, sept 7
11.45 pm
haihh.. im stil up, reading komsas for tomorrow's test. wait, its not test dudes, trial laa. ahahah! almost forget. wtf.
since its been long since i've posted a new post, this blog is a compilation of several days of events.
1. still coughin. pegy klinik AGAIN. haih, i've been consuming ubat je. nak maty kut. XD
2. US being me, ain && zaty saw the sidang's teacher && said wht we had to. seems tht wht we've been going htru, she does too! dye yg nak sgt buat semua kje. haih, wht have gotten into you ketua? btw, u should behave la ketua. peeps have been talkin bbout you, a LOT!
3. my beloved TotEatArmyChairHairEnvyRiots namely
tut bin tut (rahsia) would not give the cert. alah, aku ta mntak pun la. bajet aku nak melutut la? no wayy. besides, i've seen you
ejek-king sally. man, you retard or wht? u're like in the midst of fourty and stil you say bad words to young childrens at skewl. i thought the incident of you having your name all over the web with all those bad stuff tu might give you some hint of wht u should do tapy wht to do, kebal sgt! if you not changing, chances are you'e not gonna get respects anymore.

yg laen laen? sudeh ta igt! hahah! XD except this little event yg bisa membuatku terasa panas tatkala aku teringatkan peristiwa ini. haih, give me strength to face the world peeps!
-nama2 sudah di blur kan untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka. jady bersukur la. XD ni ade la sorg mamat nih. sebok je nak tayang name gf. tawu la de gf rite but dont be too taasub la weyy. ahahah! dlu, name ex ta nak pulak letak an? jage la aty ex lu yg da kuciwa tu. wtf. kate tamaw pk psl gurl laen? i'll remember tht single ayt u gave ur ex before this. gth! ex sape neyh? hahah! tady tu selingan blog sy yerp! i will not tell you who the person or the who the ex is sbb aku nak jgk jge aty depa. naty org kate aku bwt kenyataan palsu lak kan kan? so, biarlah rahsia. nk tahu jgk? ask me. XD
huuh.. dah la. i'm fed up with all this komsas thingy. maybe i'll go to sleep KUT. ahahaha. miss my atok la. plus i miss going back to kg. miss my neneks and sedares. ahahha! FYI, the atok im missin is no real atok, just my cute plus notty plus weird atok Fian.
currently listening to this! ;)
"Jangan kau bimbang sayangdi mana ku beradadengan siapa ku bersamajangan bimbangku tetapkau yang punya "