Okay, updates on my aquarium? I sold a fish named Amornrad. Thnx to Grace for naming it Amornrad. Geez man. I feel like a fish just now, mate. Then, I sold it off since it's already an adult. And I really wanna get rid of it. Imagine imagining yourself as a fish. In a tank. Geez that fucking freaky man. That's why I let 'em go when they're already adult. Kesian depa taw. Hish angpa ni.
And then, something interesting happened. I think my slugs are mating. BUT, that's what I thought la. Mindaku yang kotor ini tidak dapat menahan diri dari berfikiran kotor. Heh. But it's been in that position for more that half an hour already. Teehee!
And, suddenly *take note that I am tryin' to study Accounts at this time* I thought of searchin' on the net on how sea slugs mate.
This is what I got from Answers.com
" Sea slugs are hermaphrodites; each individual has both male and female sexual organs and produces sperm and eggs. Some simultaneous hermaphrodites possess male and female organs at the same time, while others begin life as one sex and then transform to the other gender. Individuals do not exchange their own sperm and eggs; the reproductive system of sea slugs keeps these products separate within an individual.
Mating behaviors are highly variable in sea slugs. Some species mate as pairs; others form long chains of individuals. In some species, particularly those that are simultaneous hermaphrodites, both sperm and eggs are reciprocally exchanged between partners at the same time. Individuals in other species behave as either male or female during a mating session. Mating may last from minutes to days, depending on the species *kewl!*. Fertilization may not take place immediately; an organ called the seminal receptacle can store sperm for several months until the eggs they will fertilize have reached maturity.
Eggs are laid in masses ranging from hundreds to millions of individual eggs; the masses are sometimes formed into chains or globules on the substrate or in the water column, and some species protect their egg masses with a mucous covering.
When eggs hatch, planktonic larvae emerge; these larvae, called veligers, soon develop a shell around them. A few species retain their eggs inside their bodies, and young emerge as juveniles, thereby eliminating the planktonic larval stage. "
Sea slugs are actually cute creatures. They're yucky, but cute. Unlike the slug. Slugs are worst than sea slugs dow. Geez.
Wanna see them? Click HERE. ( Sea Slugs of Hawaii website )
Andddddd then, in Wiki, I saw slug'sphoto's. Ewwwwwwwwww! Go and see it for yourself. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The LINK to total Euuwww-ness
Take note ya'all. This is how I REALLY looked when I saw all those photos. Nightmare man.
No more slugs for me!! Urghh! I had enuff or slugs ya'all. Not a good view, I'd say. No offense, slugs. But I don't like you!! Except for sea slugs, of course. Heeee:) Toodle Doo!
♥For more info on sea slugs, visit :